Thursday, August 25, 2011

Making luck

Your perception on your build, it's progress (or lack of) can be greatly influenced by your mood.

This is why getting into the right mindset is crucial when on the way to one's building site.

Every day I have a 30 minute drive to the fledgling house and I use this key time to manually adjust my mood using my car's stereo system. I fully harness the power to overide my current mental outlook with the simple push of any of 1 of 6 lightly dust capped buttons.

For example: Bounding through the front door with the sound of Tina Turner's 'You're Simply The Best' still vibrating in your bones can leave you feeling empowered and ready to tackle all number of trivial distasters. It can mean taking lightning speed decisions on which way the tiles should be laid, what colour joins should be used and if you'd like to spend 1250.- on something you've never even heard of, with great panache and confident vigor.  Enter however, on (pretty much any) James Blunt song and you may find yourself reaching for the nearest broken tile to put an end your misery before you've even crossed the threshold!

Along the same lines... did you know that you can attribute 94.5%* of the successful completion of a project down to having a good luck charm on you at all times? Mine currently happen to be gold ballerinas (shoes - not some Black Swan, James Bond love-child). Not the wisest choice for a building site you say? Well they make me feel bright and happy and they really come into their own when I start frantically tap dancing in order to buy some time before answering an expensive or critical question posed by the Chef de Chantier.
* Unfounded

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