Monday, April 18, 2011

Garden planning

It's the 18th of April and after seeing my brothers lovely fledgling garden I am greatly inspired to start planning ours...

So I asked the architect to send me the plan of the house and the surrounding land which he did (albeit 9 months later) but he said 'ATTENTION PLANS PROVISOIRE' which has left me wondering quite how provisional it is! So, armed with a retractable tape measure and a heart full of hope I am off to do some verifying of my own... please dear god of the undershrub don't let me discover everything is out of proportion!

Will report back my findings later!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I should have started this many months ago...

... however I didn't think my house would take quite this long to build... so like all people seem to be doing in order to remain sane these days - I'm letting it out into the void of the internet - and perhaps into the lives of any other frustrated house builders out there.

I think this blog may save me a few friends as there are only so many lunches you can ruin moaning about your project manager and the things he hasn't done before you stop getting invited out... I need to keep a few friends to show the finished product to anyway!