Thursday, December 8, 2011

Happy thoughts...

'Tis the season to be jolly and grateful and look back fondly over the year and draw from it the positive wadding, the soft and fluffy components which we will use to stuff the pillow on which we will lay our heads on new years eve in anticipation of the coming year.

So I'm doing positive boot camp... especially as Karma has a way of noting where our energies lie and throwing us more of the things we obsess about... so that's me done complaining about the house for 2011 - I will turn my thoughts to positive notions - in the hope that those will multiply instead, leaving me in 24 days with the makings of one very full soft 2012 cushion on which to rest my head!

So I will not complain about the flood we had downstairs after the rain... that seeped up through the floors of our 'salle technique' and crept through the carpets and up the freshly painted walls, leaving them to bubble like the Jokers face after an acid face mask... I won't even go into the fact that it didn't turn out to be Sweet Rain Water but Dirty Waste Water instead... from our neighbors very own W.C.'s... speckled with loo paper...

or the fact that the (previously much loved) gardener stopped the garden wall 8 meters before the edge of our land because in some confusion (known and understood only by him) he had changed the measures in the budget estimate from 'linear meters' to 'square meters', reached the agreed budget about 8 meters short and decided to stop there without pointing out the 'pink elephant in the corner' of a mistake.

I will look upon the painter not protecting the floors as he waved his white paintbrush about as a blessing - allowing me to now have to do quite as much xmas decorating as it already looks like it's been snowing inside!

I will however look at my cute white fluffy cats sitting on the sexy new kitchen stools we bought and think how kittens are everything that is right with the world, how lucky I am to have them around to make me laugh when things are getting tough (as they chew on the painters socks as he asks me for the 90th time what's left to be done), to remind me that the interior furnishings are comfortable as they lay there on their backs, their eyes half open and rolling into the back of their heads in bliss... The fact that each time I see them lying on the floor I am reminded that someone did finally manage to come and turn the heating down and they are no longer suffering from singed paws. That though things go wrong - they eventually come right again (after a little graceful shouting).

I will go to bed mindful that every bump in the road is a lesson on how to handle the difficult things in life, each issue a wave you ride differently every time, taking from each trough and crest lessons on how to deal with the next one. That the most important thing is to make sure you keep your eye on the horizon.

And with that thought in mind I will keep focusing on my little cute felines and hope that karma will keep throwing tiny balls of white fluff at me, of the feline (not the toilet paper) variety...

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