Monday, November 28, 2011

The electrician has just left the building...

The electrician has just left.

He managed to come on the wrong day, put the lights up incorrectly, not manage to put one light up at all and disconnect the internet while ON the phone to the Swisscom helpline trying to sort out my internet connections issues. He then announced he had to go as it was late and left me sitting on the floor of my entrance hall - connected to the outside world by nothing but a weakly pulsing disfunctioning yellow internet cable.

Last week his boss (the chief electrician) came over and proceeded to tell me that he was in hospital the day before as his heart is about to explode due to all the stress - and that he could literally have a heart attack or stroke at any given moment.

It didn't seem like the best time to challenge him on the estimate he had sent me which had inflated 3 times the quoted amount between our telephone call and the written estimate I he had sent me by email. Despite my anticipated new years resolution for being more gracious, I defaulted to the route of lesser tact and said that actually his price quote had very nearly had the same effect on me and could he give me the name of his specialist.

He kept smiling which I put down to the great drugs his Dr. must have put him on - but as soon as I had said it I made a mental note to enter the 'Be Gracious 2012!!!' memo into my phone, once and for all...